We create content for a wide variety of customers. We create content articles in FInnish, Swedish and English and we cover daily news, esports, sports, casinos, casinogames, fashion, technology….. its more about what you need, we will create.
We create content that is always our own. The articles are minimum of 500 words, and normally between 600-700 words with customer link and 2 reference links and normally also one site’s internal link. We add a photo, which is either our own or from one of our image libraries we use.
We have been writing content articles since the 80s and have solid experience to produce content to fit needed targets.
What Is Native Advertising?
Simply put, native advertising is paid content. Articles, infographics, videos, you name it – if a content producer can make it, corporations can buy it and publishing platforms can promote it. Brands and advertisers love native articles, mainly because the click-through rates tend to be much higher than typical advertisements and engagement is usually much stronger. We also talk about advertorial texts.
SEO friendly sites
We do have experience working with sites since the early years of internet and our first site was published in the mid 90s. All our sites are also mobile friendly.
We also have a service, in which you will own the site, but you can still have a contract with us to maintain as a content producer for weekly news articles.
Site platform
A basic themed site platform such as itmannen.se with 4-5 basic pages and few news posts
750,00 €
Site with news
A basic themed site platform such as itmannen.se or muotijakoti.fi with 4-5 basic pages and few news posts and an agreement to deliver weekly news into the site according to the theme of the site
750,00 €
+ 150,00 €/month including one weekly news post
News service
This is a monthly agreed service to provide a site with news in Finnish or Swedish. Every news is a minimum of 300 words, usually over 500 words with news related to the site. One news post/ week.
175,00€/ month with minimum of 3 months service.